Hello, I have a shipment to be flown from Japan to London! It's 13 cases of sake!

2023-08-16 10:38:14

Hello, I have a shipment to be flown from Japan to London! It's 13 cases of sake!

13 cases of sake, each N.Wkg 10.67; G.W 11.5kg,Each bottle is 500ml Alcohol 8%.

Could you check the prices for me? And let me know the voyage and flight time.Thank you very much.

Robert    戚自田

Amass Freight International (Ningbo) Co.,Ltd.

Add: #8 Floor, B Block Mansion, Taifu Square, No.565 Jinjia Road, Yinzhou District, Ningbo, China


M:18768586693   QQ:2881540099/3307399065